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Talk Less to Make the Most of Your Networking Experience

Written Friday, February 10, 2012 by Jen Mueller

The title seems counterintuitive, doesn’t it?
Most people, and many women, tend to ratchet up the chatter at a networking event, but if you follow that strategy you could be wasting valuable time.

Here’s why.  The benefit of a networking event, like Total Networking 2012, is that you’re in a room with 200 amazing women.  Each woman provides unique insight and experience that can help you move ahead in your business.  Or maybe you’ll find a great resource, an advocate of your skills or a mentor.  The possibilities are endless – unless you spend too much time talking.

There are two major problems that arise when you talk too much at a networking event: 

1.      You fail to make a connection that leads to a follow-up conversation
2.      You spend too much time talking to one person.

It’s important to understand that women are built to talk.  Talking for longer periods of time helps build intimacy and closeness we crave.  Men, on the other hand, are more concerned about the information they obtain in a conversation.  It’s why men and women tend to take opposite sides when asked about the appropriate conversation length.   When I’m giving a Talk Sporty to Me presentation and ask, “How long does the perfect conversation last?” The women answer 2 hours and the men say 5 minutes.  That’s a big difference.

The key point to keep in mind is this, while women enjoy lengthy conversations, those 2 hour exchanges should come in a follow up meeting after the networking event.  Start thinking of your networking conversations as 5-minute exchanges.  That’s plenty of time to establish a common interest, identify a potential business connection, and it allows you more to work the room.  And don’t forget to allow for a little back and forth in the conversation.  Don’t hog the spotlight.  Talking ‘at’ someone instead of ‘with’ someone is a surefire way to kill a connection. 

Jen Mueller, America's Expert Talker, is the Co-Emcee for Total Networking 2012.   Jen's practical approach to conversations comes from her 12 years of experience as a sports broadcaster.  In addition, she’s the CEO of Talk Sporty to Me, a company she founded to help business professionals increase their likability and visibility in the workplace through sports. Contact for more information and read more at